
Work to improve vets care must continue

Aug 12, 2015
Through their service and sacrifice our veterans have protected our nation and deserve a government that fulfills the promise of quality care.There are well more than 300,000 employees at Veterans Administration (VA) facilities nationwide and undoubtedly many are dedicated to providing quality...

The Old Curmudgeon - 8-6-15

Aug 6, 2015
The daylight comes later and leaves earlier, and the clouds have never been more spectacular. Summertime! The Girl Scouts would have you know that they are baking cup cakes as a fund raiser for a trip that will likely be determined by the number of tasty treats that can be marketed over the coming...

The reasons are many for a Lake Pepin Interpretive Center

Aug 6, 2015
To the editor: What is an interpretive center and why do we want one? I’ve had several people ask me what an interpretive center is. Its defined as a place of interest or a building that provides an interpretation of the place of interest through a variety of media. In the case of the center being...

Letter: Taxpayers bear cost of administrator separation

Aug 6, 2015
To the editor: The manner in which the Lake City City Council dismissed the administrator demonstrated to the citizens of Lake City their feckless nature. Business of this nature should have been conducted at a public meeting for the sake of being transparent. All of America is calling for this...

Column was nice

Aug 5, 2015
To the editor:It was very nice of Mr. Rich Ousky to take Rev. Ilene Blanche under his wings to create a column in The Lake City Graphic known as The Christian Chat Room for 15 years to spread the word of Jesus Christ and Christianity. Nancy L. MeyersLake City

City should encourage curb sharing

Aug 5, 2015
To the editor:I saw the nice article in the Rochester paper last weekend about stuff for free and I think putting things out for others to use is such a great idea.  My friend shared a nice computer desk she no longer needed by putting it out near the street. It was quickly taken by a very...

Red Cross drive garners 101 units of blood

Aug 5, 2015
To the editor:Thank you to all donors who participated in the Red Cross Bloodmobile drive held on July 30 and July 31 in Lake City.  A total of 101 units of blood were collected.We wish to thank the United Methodist Church for the use of their building, the people who called the donors, the set up...

City should be impartial to all

Aug 5, 2015
To the editor:I have never written a letter to you before and I am sure how to start.  I guess by saying I am a violator  I am guilty of violating one our great city’s ordinances.I received a letter from Megan Smith stating I was in violation of Lake City municipal code: boat parked on lawn area.“...

Marina is great, town is lacking

Jul 30, 2015
To the editor: Every once in a while, I feel compelled to write. This is one of those times because I can’t believe what’s been going on with our city. To begin with: why do we need a new study done? We have had studies done in the past and spent considerable amounts of monies on them and have we...

Working together makes big success

Jul 30, 2015
To the editor: Joan and I would like to give a big thumbs up to the Lake City Sportman’s Club. This last weekend they hosted a wedding for over 350 guests. John Brinkman and the volunteers from the club did a terrific job with the planning and execution of the event. John Brinkman told us that they...


The Lake City Graphic

Ph: 651-345-3316 (M-Tu 8am-4pm, W-Th-F 8am-3pm)
Fax: 651-345-4200
P.O. Box 469
111 South 8th Street
Lake City, MN 55041

ISSN 2994-1059 (print)  ISSN 2994-1067 (online)